ID (E-mail)* |
Check availability
Password* |
※ In the case of passwords, please creat based on special characters(ex !@#$%^&*) with at least 8 digits.
Confirm Password* |
Classification * |
Kotra Business Centre(KBC) * |
Name* |
Available Language(For translation) * |
Country* |
Company* |
Job Department* |
Position/Department* |
Company Address*
Business Phone Number*
Mobile phone* |
E-mail* |
Communication Preferences |
We would like to keep you informed about related events and services. If you agree, tell us how you prefer to be contacted:
InterCHARM Korea
Pre-matching Program * |
You will have access to the online matchmaking platform upon completing the registration, and you may pre-schedule onsite meetings with the exhibitors. ※ Please note that if the COVID-19 outbreak does not end until the show dates and you cannot travel to Korea, the pre-matched onsite meetings will be directly moved forward to our online matchmaking platform. The user manual for the online platform will be sent to your email accordingly. However if you are in Korea at the time of the show dates and planning on visiting the show, the onsite meetings will proceed as originally planned.
Company Activity * |
Sourcing Category/Products * |
Imported Brand |
Imported Country |
Korean Existing Customers |
Available Time for Meetings *
(Korea Standard)
Please select available time for meetings.
The selected time is applied to the meeting application match-making service.